Monday, January 13, 2014

JES3 commands

JES3 Commands
JES stands for Job Entry Subsystem
*C RJP,L=ALL,I Terminates all BSC lines immediately
*C RJP,L-LILNEnn,I Terminates BSC line immediately
*C SNAJP,T=ALL,I Terminates SNA remote immediately
*C SNARJP,T=ALL,I Terminates all SNA lines immediately
*DUMP Cancel JES immediately with a dump
*F C=X MDEPTH=X Change the mdepth of class X to X
*F G,SYn,G,group,off Drain specified initiators
*F G,Syn,G,'GROUPNAME',15 Start 15 initiators of a specified group
*F G,A3,C,P,ON Start all class P initiators on system A3
*F G,SYn,group,OFF Halt specified group (init)
*F G,SYn,GROUP,ON Start a specified group (init)
*F G,SYn,S MODE,NULL Drain all initiators
*F J=jobname,C Cancel job without output
*F J=jobname,CO Cancel job with output
*F J=jobname,H Place a job on hold by jobname
*F J=jobname,H Stop (purge) jobname after processing completes
*F J=jobname,P=nn Set jobname to priority nn
*F J=xxxx,H Place job on hold
*F J=xxxx,H Stop (purge) job after processing completes
*F J=xxxx,P=nn Set job priority
*F Q,H Modify  queue to hold jobs
*F Q,P=n,R Modify queue to release all priority n jobs
*F Q,P=n,R Inquire/list the top 10 job with priority of NN
*F Q,P=nn,H Modify queue to hold all priority n jobs
*F S,VA=T-volser Make volser available
*F S,VU=T-volser Place volser in MDS unavailable queue
*F U,D=Rnnnn,ND=Rnnnn,N=ALL Route all output from one remote to another
*F U,J=xxxx,D=Rnnnn,ND=Rnnnn Route output of job to a new destination
*F U,J=xxxx,NP=nn Set output for job to new priority
*F U,J=xxxx,Q=HOLD,CL=C Cancel held output for job xxxx in class C
*F U,J=xxxx,Q=HOLD,NCL=c Release job from held output to process class C
*F U,J=xxxx,Q=HOLD,NQ,WTR,ND=device Release job from held output to print device
*f u q=hold,age=5d,n=100,c Cancels  first 100 , jobs which are 5 days old
*I B Inquire on backlog summary total by JES phases
*I B,M Inquire on backlog for jobs waiting conversion
*I B,SYn Inquire on backlog for jobs waiting execution on SYn
*I B,T=Rnnnn Inquire on backlog for jobs from remote
*I C=P Inquire on class P initiators
*I D D,R=nnnndevice Inquire on status of remote device
*I D D='DEVNUM',N='64' Inquire on device 800 plus the following 64 devices
*I D,D=device Inquire on status of local device
*I D,L=ALL Inquire on status of all BSC remote lines
*I D,L=LNEnn Inquire on status of BSC line nn
*I D,T=ALL Inquire on status of all SNA remote lines
*I D,T=ALL,ONLINE Inquire on all BSC and SNA remotes online
*I D,T=Rnnnn Inquire on status of remote
*I G,SYn,C Inquire on status of all classes eligible for SYn
*I G,SYn,G Inquire on status for all groups eligible for Syn
*I J=job* Display all jobnames beginning with job
*I J=jobname Display status of a job by jobname
*I J=xxxx Display status of a job
*I J=Xxxxx,E Display estimated number of lines created
*I P=nn,N-ALL Inquire/list all jobs with a priority of nn
*I Q,C=c,N=ALL Display all jobs in class C waiting execution
*I Q,D=MAIN,N=ALL Display all jobs in queue waiting execution
*I Q,H,N=ALL Inquire on queue for all jobs on hold
*I Q,N=ALL Display status of all jobs in the queue
*I Q,S Inquire on queue for spool space unused
*I Q,SP=ALL Inquire on queue for all spool volumes
*I Q,SP=ALL,U displays jobs using more spool
*I Q,S=SETUP,N=ALL Display all jobs in SETUP class group
*I Q,T=Rxxxx,N=ALL Display all jobs waiting in output queue at remote
*I R Inquire on all outstanding replies except MDS
*I R,S Inquire on outstanding MDS (setup) replies/mounts
*I R,S,J=xxxx Inquire on replies for setup messages for job xxxx
*I R,SYn Inquire on outstanding replies for Syn
*I S Inquire for a summary of scheduled jobs in MDS
*I S A Inquire on scheduled jobs in MDS allocate queue
*I S A,J=xxxx Inquire on reason job xxxx is in MDS allocate queue
*I S,B Inquire on scheduled jobs in MDS breakdown queue
*I S DE='DATASET/DEVICE' Inquire on what is holding a dataset or device
*I S,E Inquire on scheduled jobs in MDS error queue
*I S,E,J=xxxx Inquire on reason job is in MDS error queue
*I S,R Inquire on schedule jobs in MDS restart queue
*I S,U Inquire on schedule jobs in MDS unavailable queue
*I S,V Inquire on scheduled jobs in MDS verify queue
*I S,V=ALL Shows all jobs waiting in the verify queue
*I S,V=volser,E Inquire on jobs requiring unavaible volser
*I U Inquire on output queue for total print lines
*I U,CL=?,N=ALL Inquire for total output lines of all josb by class
*I U,J=xxxx List output characteristics for a job
*I U,J=xxxx,CL=?,F=? Inquire by job for output lines by class and forms
*I U,J=xxxx,L=?,PG=? Inquire on output lines and page count for a job
*I U,Q=HOLD Inquire on output in hold queue
*Q,H=N=ALL Display all jobs on operator hold
*R device Restart output on device from beginning
*R device,G Repeat data set on printer to print again
*R device,J Reprint all complete datasets for job on device
*R device,RSCD Restart output; return job to output scheduling
*R J=xxxx Restarts a job by jobnumber
*R RJP,L=LINEnn,I Restart a BSC line immediately
*R Rnnnn,device Restart output on remote printer
*R Rnnnndevice,G Repeat data set on printer at remote
*R S,xxxx Restart job xxxx during MDS processing
*R SNARJP,T=Rnnnn,I Restart a SNA line immediately
*R SYn,jobname Restart jobname that is executing on SYn
*S device Start local device
*S device,CP=+n Increase copy count of data sets for job on device
*S device,P Display approx number of lines left to print
*S device,parms St output device up for printing as specified
*S device,R=nn,P Forward space output on device nn pages
*S device,RSCD,C Interrupt device, reschedule, resume printing
*S device,T
*S RJP,L=LINEnn Start BSC line for RJP processing
*S Rnnnndevice Start device at remote
*S Rnnnndevice,RSCD,C Interrupt remote device
*S Rnnnndevice,T
*S SNARJP,T=Rnnnn Start SNA terminal for processing
*V device,OFFLINE Vary device offline and terminate the writer
*V device,online,all Vary device on or off on all systems
*V Rnnnndevice,OFFLINE Vary remote device offline and terminate the writer
*X RJP Activate all BSC lines for remote processing
*X SNARJP Activate all SNA lines for remote processing
*Z Rxxxx,message Send message to a remote
E CAN,J=jobname,FORCE To force a job off a system
*V OPSPR1,ON Activates the printer.

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